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Tenseless, Museum Hanmi, Seoul, 2022, ISBN 978899374897093660

Bleak Island, ARP, Seoul, 2022, ISBN 9791197186479

Tenseless, gallery zandari, Seoul, 2015, ISBN 9788995921241


Hyunggeun Park 2003-2011, The 9th Daum Prize, Geonhi Art Foundation, Seoul, 2011

ISBN 978 89 91865 13 6 93600


Voyage of Memories, Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jeju, 2011

ISBN 978 89 97050 06 2


Resonance of Time, gallery zandari, Seoul, 2011 ISBN 978 89 959212 0 3 93600


Imaginary Journey, Solo Exhibition Cat, Seoul, 2008


Hyung-geun Park, Solo Exhibition Cat, Archive books, Seoul & London, 2006, ISBN 9788995585177


The Second Paradise, Solo Exhibition Cat, Gwangju, 2001



Selected Publications

Photography, Unmasked Identity, Noonbit Publishing, Seoul, 2002

Hyung-Geun Park, Untitled 2003-2004, Portfolio Magazine 41. UK, 2005

Fotofest 2006, The Earth, EYEMAZING, Amsterdam, Nederland, 2006    

On my mind, FOAM Magazine #10/ Stories, Amsterdam Photography Museum, Nederland, 2006

The Earth - Artist responding to Violence,, Fotofest2006, Texas, US

New Frontier of Korean photography, Noobit Pubilsing, Seoul, 2008

Chaotic Harmony: Contemporary Korean Photography., The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Yail University Press, US, 2009

Upset in Peace: Korean Contemporary Photography Since 2000, Oh Young Min, Beizing Publishing group, Beizing, 2009

A new exploration of contemporary Korean photography, Park Pyung-jong, Photonet, Seoul, 2009 Korean Contemporary Art Scene, Open books, Seoul, 2012

한국사진의 프런티어, 최건수, 눈빛, 2008

매혹하는 사진, 박평종, 포토넷, 2011

한국사진의 힘, 최연하, 월간미술, 2020

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